LaBelle Since 1919

Great User Experience for Better Conversions

Great User Experience for Better Conversions

LaBelle Since 1919 has been renowned for its tradition of quality, unparalleled craftsmanship, and innovative fur and leather service in Florida. Before approaching Maxsource Technologies, even if they were the best in their trade, they were not able to achieve the conversion rate they were expecting. They required a total refresh where the UI and UX were required to change. With such a wide range of awe-inspiring fur designs, they wanted to become more active on the internet and also become the social and fashion season’s most coveted invites.

What Web Services We Provided

Below is a list of the online services we provided to our client, LaBelle, Since 1919.






LaBelle Since 1919 demanded exceptional user experiences – they wanted to focus on the customer’s demands and produce the ideal task flow for them, which meant they wanted a design direction that would provide a linear flow for consumers to assess the product range, technology, and benefits. They also wanted to assess their current product line and seek methods to keep it current and in line with consumer preferences, new product releases, and content upgrades. Finally, the product line had to be presented so that it caught visitors’ attention and captivated their interest in knowing more about the firm and its products.


We did extensive customer research, and via early research, a business can uncover customer pain areas and how their products can solve all of these concerns. We developed wireframes based on the results. Once accepted, converted wireframes into clickable designs, which were evaluated by the company’s owner and key personnel. A solid color palette to work with is always a significant initial step. In addition to the bespoke graphics, the site’s entire appearance, and feel are characterized by its beautiful color combination. Our goal was to create an eye-catching design that converts, and we delivered just that.
