Importance Of Developing An M-Commerce Strategy

Marketing Strategy

Yes, you know the current trend; of course, it sells through the internet. People worldwide are now getting everything they want in the comfort of their homes. In recent years, online shopping has witnessed a boom in popularity.

You have a smartphone. And I bet you access the internet through your smartphone. Approximately 1.2 billion individuals use their smartphones daily to access the internet, just like you. Tailing E-Commerce came with the concept of M-Commerce (Mobile Commerce). As the name suggests, it is shopping through a Mobile with an internet connection.

M-commerce has gained popularity over time, yet most eCommerce owners and merchants are still unaware of its enormous impact. People are still juggling marketing strategies to develop the awareness and popularity of their online stores. M-commerce is one of the most popular and effective methods to increase the customer base and overall revenue.

The best scope of success within an industry or trend is to start when the only way is up, and the market is not over-saturated. One can apply this idea to the present mobile commerce market. Most retailers and service providers identified that there needs to be an app or mobile-optimized version of their website to improve their business and keep mobile users happy. Data suggests that 72% of US millennials still prefer shopping via PC or laptop over their mobile devices. It is where the demographic usually drives new technological trends to the front. Furthermore, 88% of US millennials have yet to take on a mobile wallet. It portrays that there is still room before the concept takes off.

Ecommerce strategy


  • Smart Phone, the 24/7 pocket-friendly device. Instead of buying and utilizing a laptop or desktop computer, one can use a smartphone to fulfill any purchasing need.
  • In the beginning, youth preferred mobile phones for shopping online, but with time, mobile shopping has become convenient for all age classes, boosting the number of customers for e-commerce.
  • Mobile commerce permits companies to enter new markets they could never reach. According to Statista, by 2021, smartphone users will rise to 3.8 billion. Wow! this is roughly half of the current world population. You know, every person with a mobile device is a potential customer.
  • Another key element among the benefits of M-Commerce for businesses across different industries is that it allows for targeted timing. Mobile commerce apps help brands to reach their customers with the right message at the perfect time.
  • M-commerce helps you to target your customers with a mobile app directly. That way, you can cut short the cost of your marketing campaign. If your app becomes popular, you can even earn some extra money by placing ads within your app.
  • Businesses can easily communicate with their audiences in many ways, like email newsletters or social media. But there’s nothing as direct as push notifications. When ignoring an email is easy, the same isn’t valid for push notifications.


It might be a few years before M-Commerce spending and revenue reaches the levels that e-commerce businesses enjoy right now. Still, we suggest it’s better to get in on it now and ride along with the wave instead of playing catch-up later on. If you plan to start your M-Commerce journey, we would like to travel with you. We have worked with 560+ businesses. Whether a start-up or enterprise, we have consistently delivered them the best and most innovative solutions. At Maxsource Technologies, we offer a broad range of services based on business requirements, and all our work is cent percent customized per the client’s requirements. Visit:

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