10 Simple Ways To Speed Up Your Website

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10 Simple Ways To Speed Up Your Website

Many of us are focused on the website design and performance that they completely miss out on this major impact on their conversion rates. You will lose almost half of your visitors if your website takes more than 3 seconds to load, which itself is a huge blow to your possible conversions. So if you have any second thoughts on speeding up your website, please don’t.. Page speed also plays a very crucial role in SEO optimization and ranking, because google takes page speed into the consideration when ranking sites. Having a fast site can keep your bottom-line profits high. It also influences how easily your customers can find you in the first place.

Yes, you are worried…

There is nothing to panic, Maxsource Technologies uses several ways to improve our website speed. Just follow the steps mentioned below. But before that we have to know the reasons why our website is slow. So first we will have a look at it.


There could be a number of factors that lead to slow loading time, few of them are:

  • Image and other media size
  • Number of redirects you have.
  • Your site’s CSS is not optimized
  • OPcache is not enabled
  • Your site’s code is too bulky

So, once you understand the current state of your website performance, you can start optimizing key factors that influence site speed. Below listed are a few steps to speed up your website.

How to Speed Up Your Website?

As users, people expect a website to load quickly, and those that don’t will surely experience negative consequences as a result. Like me, everyone out there who searches for a website expects great experiences. So it is important to make sure that the website is tuned to reduce page load speed as much as possible. The below listed are a few actionable tweaks that can have a significant impact on reducing page load speed.

Step 1 : Minimize HTTP requests

According to Yahoo 80% of website loading time is spent downloading the different parts of the page, like images, stylesheets, and scripts. For each one of these elements an HTTP request is made. So the more on-page components, the longer it takes for the page to render.

So to resolve this issue follow the instructions given below.

  • Right click on the page
  • Click inspect
  • Click network tab
  • Now it shows the name of the files in the page , its size and the time column shows how long it takes to load each file.
  • Go to the bottom left corner, you can see the number of total requests the site makes.
  • Look for the unnecessary files.Reducing this number of requests will speed up your site.

Step 2 : Minify and Combine Files

HTML, CSS, and JavaScript files are very important, but these files also  add to the number of requests your site makes every time a user visits it. So you can minify and combine these files to reduce its size. Minifying includes process like:

  • Eliminate extra spaces
  • Eliminate line breaks
  • Eliminate indentation
Combining is the process of both CSS and JavaScript into one. If your site runs multiple CSS and JavaScript files, you can combine them into one. If you have a wordpress site, plugins like WP Rocket can make these processes simpler.

Step 3 : Enable Compression

Compressing files is one of the simplest and effective ways to reduce load times, and today, enabling compression with GZIP  is considered standard practice. If you have a wordpress site both WP Rocket and W3 Total Cache plugins support enabling Gzip.

Step 4 : Optimize your sites CSS

CSS is the code responsible for styling your page.  If your site’s CSS is left unoptimized it may lead to delay in loading the webpage. Follow the steps below.

  • Combine all CSS files into one or fewer files.
  • Use inline CSS and remove the external CSS.
  • Specify which type of CSS file must be loaded. Do this using Media Files.

Step 5: Enable OPcache

OPcache is an inbuilt caching engine for the coding language PHP. If you use PHP in your website, enabling OPcache will speed up the loading time.

Step 6: Don’t code too bulky

The more code the browser has to load, the longer it will take for your website to become visible. Follow these simple tips while coding.

  • Avoid unnecessary characters
  • Avoid unnecessary line breaks
  • Remove elements that are not needed

Step 7: You must choose the right hosting option

Most of us go for the cheapest possible option for hosting your website. In the beginning it is just fine to go for an affordable option but you’ll likely need to upgrade once you start getting more traffic. Don’t stint on your host, get the one you can trust.

Step 8: Avoid using too many Plugins

Having too many plugins or fewer bulky plugins can weigh your site down and can also cause poor performance. So it would be helpful if you remove unnecessary plugins.

Step 9 : Use a content distribution network

Content distribution networks (CDNs), are networks of servers that help to distribute the load of delivering content. The opies of your site are stored at multiple, geographically diverse data centers and thus your users can  have faster and more reliable access to your website.

Step 10 : Reduce redirects

Each time a page redirects to another page, your visitor will have to wait additional time for the HTTP request-response cycle to complete.  So reducing redirects can help you to improve page speed.

So perfectly following all these steps can do wonders to your website speed, thus on your conversions and to your business.

To create a better online presence for your business, you need a well-working, fast, SEO friendly website to occupy digital spaces in major SERPs. At Maxsource Technologies, we research each business’s requirements and design a  bespoke website. Our websites are SEO friendly and we also ensure that your website gets crawled and indexed properly. Our website development practices are hundred percent  responsive and mobile compatible. To know more about us and what value we can bring to your business, Schedule a call with one of our experts or give us a call at 917-675-5299 or email: info@maxsourceworld.com.

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